Back from Amsterdam

As you all know, pearltrees was last week at “the next web” conference in Amsterdam through its CEO Patrice Lamothe. Those three days were a great opportunity for pearltrees to meet some bloggers, some web thinkers, some finance people (business angels or VCs) and some startup leaders. It is really important for pearltrees to take […]

Pedro’s attack!

Yesterday you received an email saying that pedro was “now following one of your pearltree”. Actually pedro is now following every root pearl of the community. This was a “torture test” to evaluate : the resistance of our algorythm the “tree rank” what could be a spam attack how the living map would be affected. […]

Salut la forêt!

Cela fait quelques jours que j’ai rejoins la communauté et que j’utilise PearlTrees, il est grand temps de me présenter et de livrer mes premiers feedbacks…contructifs of course! J’ai 25ans, je suis ingénieur chez Cisco et travaille actuellement dans le domaine du Datacenter au sens large. J’ai rejoins Pearltrees par Nicolas avec qui j’ai fait […]