Back from Amsterdam


As you all know, pearltrees was last week at “the next web” conference in Amsterdam through its CEO Patrice Lamothe. Those three days were a great opportunity for pearltrees to meet some bloggers, some web thinkers, some finance people (business angels or VCs) and some startup leaders. It is really important for pearltrees to take its sits at the table of actors of the web industry and so it was good to encounter those actors.

One of those exciting meeting happened through Adriaan Rijkens. I first meet him on twitter because he was really enthousiastic about pearltrees. Then Patrice met him in Amsterdam and had a talk with him. Adriaan is planning a spaceflight and is currently searching sponsors and supporters.

Before going to the space, Adriaan has achieved a very good map about what happened and who talked to the next web conference. So if you have missed the conference or if you want to keep a faithfull memory of what happened during those three exciting days in netherlands, click the pearl below and press play to access its contents. zyban
The Next Web Conference 2009


2 Responses to “Back from Amsterdam”

  1. Very useful! Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear that you had an interesting, great time for Pearltrees in Amsterdam.

  2. That is the strength of the web, sharing evertyhing to enrich everyone. See you. F

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