Pearltrees on Mozilla


Pearltrees has published its add-on under the General Public License (GPL3 GNU). What the hell is that? It means that Peartlrees’ add-on source code is now public. Anyone can build on it to develop something else. Just one restriction: if you want to publish a project that uses this code, it will have to be published under the same license.  Freedom is contagious!

What does it mean for Pearltrees? It marks our commitment to the open source Web. The web is created and organized by its users and it has to continue this way. Thus with Pearltrees, every user owns its data and can export it freely. The source code of the add-on is under GPL and soon (in several months) an API will be published.

For now, you can join the Mozilla community, here. Then, if you are a developer you can contribute to projects or submit your own. If you are not, you can also contribute by translating some applications. Moreover being a Mozilla community member offers you the possibility to promote your favorite Pearltrees by:

  • Rating and posting a positive comment about Pearltrees here
  • Recommending Pearltrees to people you work with

Ingénieur R&D – stage

Pearltrees ( est un réseau d’intérêts humain qui vous permet organiser, découvrir et partager tout ce que vous aimez sur le web. Actuellement en bêta, Pearltrees connaît une croissance forte de +30% par mois et poursuit son développement sur les marchés européen et américain.

  • “the Web’s next big thing?
  • Le Figaro: “Pearltrees imagine le web sans Google”
  • Robert Scoble: “It’s not often anymore that I’m blown away by new UI but @pearltrees delivers the goods
  • Mashable: “Pearltrees is nothing less than a reinvention of how we organize the web
  • ReadWriteWeb : “I almost fell out of my chair thinking about the possibilities
  • Techcrunch: “this is quite powerful

Son équipe cherche un ingénieur-stagiaire R&D d’exception.

Vous intégrerez une équipe de 10 professionnels très expérimentés (stratégie, finance, marketing, design, R&D) animés par une forte volonté d’innovation, d’excellence et d’intégration des compétences.

Vous concevrez votre programme de travail en partenariat avec le directeur R&D. Vous serez en contact permanent avec les équipes Marketing, Design et R&D, bénéficierez d’une large autonomie et d’une grande capacité d’innovation. Vous travaillerez sur les technologies de pointe telles que Flex ou Java et/ou sur des problématiques innovantes telles que le temps réel, visualisation de données, co-édition de graphes, etc.

Profil :

–      Ingénieur grande école avec une expérience en développement

–      Bonne maîtrise de langages objets

–      Bonne maîtrise et goût pour l’algorithmique

–      Connaissance de Flex ou Java serait un plus

–      Connaissance de Linux considérée comme un plus.

Embauche en fin de stage possible

Lieu : Paris

Indemnité : compétitive

Durée : 6 mois ou plus

Disponibilité : au plus vite

Si vous êtes intéressé, envoyez nous votre CV par email à recrutement at pearltrees dot com

Twitter Sync.

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Have you ever noticed how Pearltrees and Twitter are complementary? One, Twitter, enables you to recommend the web contents you are interested in and to see in “real time” the URLs recommended by the people you are most interested in. Somehow, Twitter is the pulse of your everyday life on the web.

The other, Pearltrees, is the place where you organize your interests where you take the time to analyse. You keep at hand what you like, you organize and reorgnize your interests by moving your pearls and curate them into pearltrees. Somehow pearltrees is the living memory of your everyday life on the web.

Now, imagine the possibilities of synchronizing the pulse and the living memory of your everydaylife on the web. You would never loose a link that you would have twitted and you can recommend to your followers what you have been interested in an organized pearltree form. That is just amazing and it does exist: it is called the “Twitter Sync.”.

It enables you to automatically pearl from Twitter and twitt from Pearltrees.

  • pearl the URLs you twitt: use #boat to pearl in your pearltree “boat” with #pt before to create a new pearltree named “boat”.
  • twitt the pearltree you make : auto-tweet a new pearltree of more than 5 pearls or a 10 pearls’ update in an existing pearltree. We’ve set a limit to a twitt/hour so that an intense activity on Pearltrees doesn’t excessively affect your followers!

Just synchronize your Pearltrees’ account to your Twitter and experience a new life on the web.