What’s connected to me?

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When you click on the mini-pearl, pearls just pop up from everywhere. They are the most connected pearls to the pearltree you selected.

But, you might have also noticed that they gather as clouds. Actually, it means that they are also closed to one another. For instance, if you select a “music” pearltree, you will see an indie rock cloud. That means indie rock fans have many crossings in their “indie rock” pearltrees. Therefore, there is great value in putting one’s pearltree in the right place of your own pearltree. It will build a valuable and precise map.

Once you have found a beautiful pearltree you can also enrich it by adding other users’ pearltrees. The only rule is to put them on the place where it brings the more meaning. In order to do this, you have to drag the pearl to your basket and then to put it in your own account. I advise you to pick up a lot of trees. It makes your reading more convenient, enhances community sharing and adorns your own stories!

4 Responses to “What’s connected to me?”

  1. Where is the drop zone?

  2. At the bottom of the interface 🙂

  3. Am I correct, when I assume that all pearls are public (viewable/search-able by everyone) automatically?

    Is there a way to make any pearls (or pearltrees) more hidden? If so, does this make the pearl(-tree)…
    1) invisible and inaccessible to others?
    2) inaccessible to others, but still visible?
    3) excluded from searches, but still accessible through exploring your (root, or elsewhere) pearltree?

    The reason for asking is that I have a Facebook pearltree, and I don’t *need* to have any of it hidden. However, if other users search for “Facebook” or look for “Related” content, I don’t believe that they’ll find those pearls to be very useful. Then if someone wants to find things related to Facebook (for example, development API, coding info, or basic troubleshooting help), they may have to look around for a while, due to going through a bunch of unrelated pages. So I really want to know if option #3 (above) is possible, and the others are just curiosity.

    Thank you, both for your help with this question, and especially for your work, in making an awesome idea (visual organization of everything, within a social framework) into a reality! Very cool!

  4. Hi Matt73160
    You are corect: all the pearls are public at the moment. But we will soon implement a privacy option so your suggestions for the various possibilities are very interesting.
    Thank you!

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