Your living map

You already know that pearltrees’ users are organizing the web around maps. They are creating their own vision of the web. After few weeks playing with pearlrees, I was wondering “what does your web looks like?”. So I have visited different accounts, at different stages, I took some screenshots, and it is amazing to see that each author’s map has its own identity.

Newcomer’s map often looks like this:


Then new maps are created and roughly stored at the root level:


Finaly the root map becomes a real edited map which embodies its author. Here is some screenshots of the biggest pearltrees accounts with my comments.

wallen francois

wallen and francois might be the biggest account in pearltrees. These two users are handling a huge amount of pearls. It is funny to see they are both handling their account in a very clean way with only 5 maps at the root.


patrice and myself use a different shape. We consider our account as a map and we create branches. We visually guide our visitors in our account. But it is not a normal map, you have to consider it as your place and you might optimize it considering your day-to-day tasks. Currently I’m planning to go to Japan, thus my map “Japan” is at the root of my account.


Or you can use karim‘s approach where his account is already a guided experience where you will be happy to lose yourself. Karim’s account is very interesting and I think every user should tend to create a structured root map. It brings a better usage for both author and visitors. Секс нужен, как еда. Большое количество анкет проституток на сайте Путанамама. Полезный интим у индивидуалки мгн . Шлюхи Магнитогорска хотят вашего внимания и денег.

Comment this article with your account URL if you want to share with us your root map shape!


2 Responses to “Your living map”

  1. Hello,

    Looks very promising, but i can’t access the application.
    In my configuration (ubuntu linux, firefox 3, with JS on) the loading part just freezes.
    I can send you a screenshot if you like …

    Hope i’ll be able to try that someday
    Lame Spirale

  2. Hi Lame,

    Thanks for your feedback,

    We are using two versions of ubuntu (intreprid and jaunty) for pearltrees developments, and didn’t encountered such freeze.

    Anyway may you send me the output of “uname -a” and “glxinfo | grep render” commands, at participation AT ?
    I’ll need too your flash player version and a list of installed extensions (tools menu, add-ons item) to bugzille and fix the problem.

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