Your living map

You already know that pearltrees’ users are organizing the web around maps. They are creating their own vision of the web. After few weeks playing with pearlrees, I was wondering “what does your web looks like?”. So I have visited different accounts, at different stages, I took some screenshots, and it is amazing to see […]

A new pearlbar : so hard to be simple!

[wordpress_file_upload]You might have noticed this morning that your pearlbar is not exactly the same… New Design? Not only, it is a far longer story that begins with a fact “Web Editors just can’t live without the pearlbar! It turns your navigations into pearltrees, the raw material for building web stories ready to share.” Considering this, […]

What do you think of our new trees ?

Now that elevation is “on line”, you might have noticed some changes on how “trees” are designed. I would like to have your opinion about this design. 1. Do you clearly see where a “tree” begins and where it ends ? 2. Have you noticed that a “tree” can be put at the following of […]