The Pearl’s Gazette
Hey editors and visitors!
I am glad to tell you that our community keeps on flourishing everyday. We noticed more and more beautiful pearltrees. It becomes too hard to choose a single pearltree when so many creations blossom. Thus today I want to present you a whole bunch of great trees!
First I want to talk about benobi’s economic pearltrees. They are about the credit crunch and the US recession. Both trees are very accurate, well explained and display a lot of diverse economic contents. If you want to learn more about the crisis then you cannot avoid these trees!
If you like musical pearltrees then you will love Bill’s pearltree. It is mostly about rock and it mostly deals with artists mentioned in the “inrocks”. What I like about this pearltree is that one can utterly discover new artists just by selecting their way. By the way, you had better start by exploring the branch “Janvier”. Hopefully, “février” will be released soon!
Now for those of you who are interested in Japan I recommend that you have a look at Karim’s pearltree. He chose a nice little mix of bars, hotels, restaurants and activities. What’s more there are also some nice pearls about Japan’s culture (please try the sumo one and lose yourself into strange pictograms).
Elrring Peace
Filed under: Pearl's Gazette by Pierre Gancel on February 20th, 2009
May I add that for japanophiles there is a tree about a recent japanese invention called “air sex” over here
Just to mention that “février” as been released today… in the category “my tree is bigger than yours” have a look to “branche principale”. Enjoy.
Thanks for that new tree!
But why do we get such “manly” answers on such an innocent post?