Pearltrees US Tour

Patrice Lamothe, Pearltrees’ CEO,  is currently in San Francisco to introduce Pearltrees alpha 0.4.1 to bloggers and tech watchers. It is really valuable to understand to see what is expected from a start-up in the valley. Some points are clear : realtime, connection to complementary web services and integration to other users habits are key to make a hit. Although it is still an alpha version Pearltrees seems attractive thanks to the design and the concept are good assets to build on.

To get more details about the reactions about Pearltrees in the Valley :

– Find Patrice’s interview by Robert Scoble

– The ReadWriteWeb post about Pearltrees here

-The Mashable post here

You’ll find in this pearltree all recent US blogs posts about Pearltrees:
Pearltrees in Blog posts - US

Keep in touch with us on Twitter to get latest news from SF!

6 Responses to “Pearltrees US Tour”

  1. great interview!

  2. Interview by Scoble:

    “Hello Patrice ! blablalba … twitter blablabla twitter list blabla tweets bla bla bla twittering blablabla twitting bla bla bla twitter api bla bla ba… Goodbye.”


  3. On lui donnerai le bon dieu sans confession ! Gz :).

  4. Dsl du double post: Ils sont ou les sous titre fr powered by daniel ? xD

  5. j’ador ton accent 😉 très interéssant en tout cas… cela vas changer ma vie 2.0 😉

  6. @Ben : n’hésite pas à changer la vie 2.0 de tes amis en les invitant sur Pearltrees via “invite your friends”.

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