Shakespeare langue ou Molière tongue ?
Il y a bien longtemps maintenant that the debate has occured in the very coeur of Broceliand discussions… Mais we are facing a great défi, which is to accueillir anglophones in our french native speaking community. So, from now, we will have more and more post in english in order to offer a friendly interface pour nos amis d’outre-manche et outre-atlantique.
Hope you will ppreciate our good english, be sure that we keep on practicing our communication skills.
Meer informatie kun je vinden op de website van de school zelf: Broekhinjenaplan . Scholengemeenschap in de regio limburg en omstreken met kwaliteitsonderwijs.
Now repeat after me : “My taylor is…”
François (What a french name!)
I didn’t compris a shit de ton message.
Je faisais le joker. J’ai tout understood.
is italian?”.
let’s if we see a drop in number of posts….
btw, how strange this posts comes just after and not before the long previous one “Imaginez, …”
At kmirn pseng at kmirn pleung!
Bahn piséi khmer daèl?At?
Pantaè, knoïm bahn piséi anglé tché barang daèl, luky you!
Bon, je vois qu’il est temps de s’y mettre quoi…