Introducing a new column with suggestions, tips and yes, ads!

Starting today on Pearltrees’ website, you’ll see a new column on the right with suggestions, tips and, for non premium users, progressively ads. Some of you may have already seen this during tests but now we’re making it fully live. The new column will only be visible on computers and not on embeds, mobiles nor tablets. Let’s go through it in detail:

1. Ads
Yes, even if ads are everywhere on the Web, they are not always popular… In many cases, they can be noisy, invasive and often distracting. The challenge is to integrate them while limiting their inconvenience. After testing several options during a couple of months, we have chosen a clear separation between ads and collections. Thanks to the new column, your workflow is preserved and some advertising can be displayed without being invasive.

Nonetheless, we understand not everybody is fond of ads. That’s why all our premium plans suppress ads and offer to close the column for a wider display. If you’d like to welcome visitors to your collections without any advertising, just select the professional plan and activate the white label option.

2. Suggestions
The new column also showcases one the most distinctive capabilities of Pearltrees: the “related” feature. See the collections most closely related to the one you’re browsing without clicking any buttons. These real-time suggestions based on your interests transforms your navigation inside Pearltrees. Now you can explore a topic blazingly fast and discover more precious content than ever.

For this new widget, we’ve upgraded our central algorithm “tree rank” both in terms of relevancy and performance. This benefits many features throughout Pearltrees: “my interests”, “search”, “related” and more. These changes make the whole discovery experience in Pearltrees more accurate and dynamic.

3. Tips
The first thing you’ll see in your new column, below the suggestions, will probably be some “tips”. In addition to welcome newcomers, they can also be displayed from time to time to make sure everyone knows about the advanced features in Pearltrees. It’s a great opportunity to get the most out of the product.
This new column will be upgraded in the coming weeks and months. You will see more useful elements appearing as they’re developed. Stay tuned, we have exciting things planned!

3 Responses to “Introducing a new column with suggestions, tips and yes, ads!”

  1. Ok, ads are not exactly what I expect to find on Pearltrees… but you need to live on something – and if premium accounts are not impacted ! Besides the suggestions look really exciting.

  2. Is there a cap of 100 items under a single collection? The interface will not allow me to save new items to a collection after I get to that number. I sent an email to customer service but no one responded.

  3. Hi Anita,
    There’s a cap of 100 items within a collection. But you can create create up to 100 sub-collections within a collection and indefinitely like this. It’s super easy to create a sub-collection. Just click on the “add” button (the button with the star) or drag an item over another one.

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