Fuck you Robinsons !

This morning, I just feel angry and frustrated. And, believe me I have many reasons for being so.  Don’t worry, I am not taking this blog for an analyst divan. I just draw you my mindset to apologize for the unusual tone of the title and the post. Anyway, here is my point.   Since Broceliand is a place where everyone can collect and share their browses, it is beacause they feel like being social individuals. They would surely recongnize themselves in the famous “social-browser-brother” category. And if that category had a way to caricature  their opponents, I mean the “egoweb-selfish-browsers”, they would probably stigmatize their isolation calling them “Robinsons”. You remember that advocate of slavery that feels good to be alone on his isle.   So as a defender of “Social-browser-brother” and as a member of the Broceliand all I want to say is : “Fuck you Robinsons”. And as I am in charge of marketing I think, this claim would do a powerful baseline. F. (Hoping for tomorow being a better day) 

5 Responses to “Fuck you Robinsons !”

  1. Un rock social après le rock antisocial? Je crois que ca appelle une bande-son… Francois, tu nous dégotte ça?

    Tout à fait pour le marketing radical!

  2. Antisocial de Trust, Patrice?
    Je crois qu’il nous faut des teeshirts pour l’été… Transformez tous vos petits cousins sur les plage de l’île de Ré en mome-sandwich hurlant en rouge sur fond jaune “Fuck you Robinsons”. Miam!

  3. Trust? C’est plutôt ta génération Sam, non?

  4. Album : Repression

    Année : 1980

    Tu étais là, Nicolas, même pas un projet et moi je lançais mes premiers cailloux. Des commentaires?

  5. Ah non, jamais de commentaires sur un blog! Loin de moi cette drôle d’idée…

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