Retrouvez Pearltrees à l’atelier numérique de BFM!

Après la démocratisation de l’accès à la connaissance et la démocratisation de la création des contenus c’est l’ORGANISATION du savoir qui devient l’enjeux majeur des prochaines années. Pourquoi? Qui? Quand? et surtout comment organiser toutes ces connaissances? C’est pour répondre à ces questions que Renaud-Edouard Barreau a invité Olivier Verbeke, PDG de Knowledge Plaza et […]

See the line!

Pearltrees is already a community of editors and each week we will present some cool pearltrees. You are also most welcome if you want to mention your own pearltrees’ discoveries. Today we would like to highlight Touba for his original pearltree concerning the metro line 12 in Paris. The whole tree reproduces the metropolitan line […]

What the hell is that ???

Last friday you have seen this screen appears on pearltrees and some of you just tell me : what the hell is that???!!!??? Well, “that” is a vicinity map. It shows you the pearltrees that are close to the pearltrees in the middle of screen. On the screenshot “Barbey d’Aurevilly”. Of course the closest are […]