Discover some uses case for Pearltrees’ superembed

The magic part of social tool is how a feature turns out to be used. Release after release, the surprise always remains! It is also true for the super embed we launched two weeks ago. To share that “surprise” with you I picked three interesting ways to embed a pearltree : 1. Like Michelle Krauss, […]

Retrouvez Pearltrees à l’atelier numérique de BFM!

Après la démocratisation de l’accès à la connaissance et la démocratisation de la création des contenus c’est l’ORGANISATION du savoir qui devient l’enjeux majeur des prochaines années. Pourquoi? Qui? Quand? et surtout comment organiser toutes ces connaissances? C’est pour répondre à ces questions que Renaud-Edouard Barreau a invité Olivier Verbeke, PDG de Knowledge Plaza et […]

Pearltrees a Finalist at the Web2.0 Expo Launchpad!

Pearltrees has been selected as a finalist for the Web2.0 Launchpad. This is a huge honor! Only those startups that the conference organizers find most exciting, interesting and which they believe have the potential to be one of the next big things are given a chance to present to the whole Web2.0 Expo audience! Even […]