Do you miss the sound ?

Here is a participation I had that I found really interesting beccause we did not talk about it since a pretty long time “Tout d’abord, le tout premier sentiment que j’ai eu en arrivant sur l’arborescence est “Zut il faut que j’allume mon sons”. Quelle surprise de voir que en réalité il n’y avait tout […]

Pearltrees’ community !

My dear fellows, As you all know, we are all building pearltrees together. But what is the exact acception of Pearltrees? Of course pearltrees is a website, but it is also a content. Like youtube or wikipedia pearltrees offers some content, some pearls organized on trees. And now, time has come for us, members of […]

Pearltrees’ first board meeting

Creating collaboratively a product like pearltrees is of course a lot of “product and community” related activities… and a bit of “other” related ones. Yes, we do need to eat… so we had last week our first board meeting with the investors’ representatives. It was an excellent meeting. We’ve discussed the progress so far on […]