Pearltrees blog has a new look. However, the editorial line remains mostly the same:
Pearltrees news, detailed information on the latest features we’ve release, and tips for collecting your “pearls” of the web …
Why change? First, because Pearltrees has changed and we felt it was important that they blog should reflect these changes. Second, to improve readability. Post are now featured in the middle of a cleaner page. Finally, we revised the right column to make it clearer and give you better access to the most important categories: Pearltrees, Information and Keep posted.
So what do you think of your new blog?
Filed under: Community by oliver on February 3rd, 2012 | 15 Comments »
Le blog de Pearltrees a fait peau neuve. Pourtant, la ligne éditoriale reste proche : les actualités de Pearltrees, les revues détaillées des dernières fonctionnalités publiées ou des astuces pour bien collectionner vos “perles” du web…
Alors pourquoi changer ? D’abord parce que Pearltrees a changé et qu’il nous a semblé important que le blog change aussi. Pour plus de lisibilité aussi. Les billets sont maintenant en majesté au milieu d’une page plus pure. Enfin, nous avons revu la colonne de droite pour la rendre plus claire et vous permettre un meilleur accès aux différentes catégories : Pearltrees, Information, Keep posted.
Alors, que pensez-vous de votre nouveau blog ?
Filed under: Community by amsika on February 1st, 2012 | 7 Comments »

Good news! Mozilla has decided to recommend Pearltrees to their community by “featuring” the pearler ” in its gallery of browser extensions.
Firefox has always been important in the development of Pearltrees:
– The first pearler we developed was for Firefox
– Code for Pearltrees pearler has been released under GPL and available here
– The Firefox community has been very welcoming and positive towards Pearltrees.
In still more good news, a new version of the pearler for Firefox was released yesterday! To get it, go to your account, click the “pearler” button, finish the installation process and enrich your collection of pearls.

Filed under: Community, open source by oliver on January 19th, 2012 | No Comments »