Hey editors and visitors! As in May sunny days are on their way, we guess some of you might go to the countryside during the week end. Here is a little help to prepare this exciting trip. Those maps made by odile will answer all the questions you ever had about sewing machines, and show […]
Filed under: Pearl's Gazette by Pierre Gancel on May 16th, 2009 | No Comments »
Hey editors and visitors! Today we will have a gazette dedicated to… Video Games! Indeed lately several gamers entered the community and started to edit about their passion. Though these maps are still not very wide or well-structured, we thought that they deserved to be highlighted. If you want to find good websites, blogs, or […]
Filed under: Pearl's Gazette by Pierre Gancel on May 5th, 2009 | No Comments »
Hey editors and visitors! Today we will have a musical gazette dedicated to three bands. First, axtrix did a great map about radiohead (news, info, clips, interviews, lives…). With no surprises, all the fans of Tom Yorke and the tourists are going to climb up the wall! Francois gathered relevant materials about the Pink Floyd, […]
Filed under: Pearl's Gazette by Pierre Gancel on April 25th, 2009 | 2 Comments »