Salut à vous! Cette semaine notre gazette est dédiée à la littérature. Mais pas à la respectable littérature des Lagardes&Michard mais plutôt à son renouveau. Cette gazette vous invite à vous pencher sur la littérature en ligne. François Bon a confectionné une jolie carte sur les bibliothèques en ligne. Il a sélectionné pour notre plaisir […]
Filed under: Pearl's Gazette by Pierre Gancel on June 11th, 2009 | No Comments »
Hey editors and visitors! Toaday we will have a gazette dedicated to the pleasures of traveling. This beautiful map made by Emilie gives precious information if you plan to go to Morocco and especially to the famous harbour Essaouira. She tells you all the good addresses for a nice spa or some Turkish baths. You […]
Filed under: Pearl's Gazette by Pierre Gancel on June 1st, 2009 | No Comments »
Hey editors and visitors! As pearltrees editors are mainly handy internet users and know quite a bit about computers, we decided to dedicate this week’s edition to maps about computers and internet. Here are two maps about the famous Linux system made by kiwis and skisoo. Fortunately for Apple, Tersant also did a map about […]
Filed under: Pearl's Gazette by Pierre Gancel on May 24th, 2009 | 1 Comment »