Wanna pearl Wikipedia ? Pearl Powerset instead.

Powerset is a search engine based on wikipedia. It creates articles from Wikipedia pages, adding more contextual tags and intelligence around pages content. Moreover Powerset enables to create a link that point directly to a defined location. So don’t pearl a whole wikipedia article when you just want to point out a specific information. Example […]

Open source design / Crowd-designing – Ribbit’s wall

Hi, I know that you are thinking about developing a forum where users can comment on the functionalities of the product you are developing. I found Ribbit’s wall to be an interesting example of that idea. http://ideawall.ribbit.com/ Some ideas are put forward and people vote on it and anyone can post their own idea… and […]

Matière à penser/c’est dans l’air du temps

Micro post pour vous inviter à investir 5 minutes pour voir ce petit film d’anticipation sur le “futur” du Web. Hypothèse discutable, mais justement, discutons! Recommandé chaudement donc http://www.broom.org/epic/ols-master.html Sam